
Download driven to win for free
Download driven to win for free

download driven to win for free download driven to win for free

And there's a lot of breadth in the type of game you want to play, too, with a half-dozen modes to choose from, between the straightforward "Race" and "Best Lap Challenge" to the tricked-out "Stunt Showcase" and "Playground" to the weapon-centric "Takedown" and my favorite mode, "Battle Race." The game boils down to three core gameplay elements - racing cars, performing stunts, and unleashing kart racing-style weapons - plus there's a lot of selection in the characters you can play as, all of whom are customizable.

download driven to win for free

It doesn't have all the features one might expect from a racer today, but it's nearly there. Unlike other games based on movies that are usually bad marketing vehicles, this racer is a fun, surprisingly good game.

Download driven to win for free